Non-governmental organization which advocates for human rights.
Examples for "human rights organization"
Examples for "human rights organization"
1He was previously Secretary General of human rights organization Amnesty International.
2Black Women's Blueprint is a civil and human rights organization of women and men.
3The rally was spearheaded by the civil and human rights organization Black Women's Blue Print.
4One Nicaraguan human rights organization put the number of Nicaraguans caught between countries at about 500.
5The Malcolm X Grassroots Movement is a national human rights organization who focuses on racial justice.
1The human rights group claims that many cases involve violence and harassment.
2The human rights group, Amnesty International, has sent some members to Ferguson.
3You've worked as a journalist and for the human rights group Breakthrough.
4A local human rights group said 157 were killed and hundreds wounded.
5Amnesty International, the human rights group, called the police response heavy-handed and unacceptable.
1This is the most widely known Jewish humanitarian and human rights organisation.
2But the human rights organisation said it would not endorse a particular person.
3He was previously Secretary General of human rights organisation Amnesty International.
4The flotilla was organised by pro-Palestinian groups and a Turkish human rights organisation.
5The human rights organisation has just issued a new report, called Island of Despair.
6There is not a single human rights organisation or anti-corruption organisation in the country.
7A Turkish human rights organisation has chartered one passenger ferry.
8The human rights organisation said the UN mission known as Minurcat was understaffed and underequipped.
9A global human rights organisation says an estimated 600 people are enslaved in New Zealand.
10She is also representing an international human rights organisation.
11The human rights organisation has had to lay off 140 staff and cease operations immediately.
12The women said they were setting up a human rights organisation that would help Russian prisoners.
13That is the verdict passed by Europe's leading human rights organisation on conditions in Irish prisons.
14A newly-formed human rights organisation has created New Zealand's only register for Islamophobic and racist incidents.
15Please help us and notify human rights organisation.
16The human rights organisation is appealing the decision.
Translations for human rights organisation